Sunday, July 22, 2007

Week 2

During the first PR tutorial, I have come to realise how broad PR is and the many different career paths it can lead to. The many different responses from students about why they are doing the course led me to think about what I hope to gain from it. I am interested in combining my skills in design with PR - designing brouchures, posters etc.
The readings back up the idea that PR has a lot of variety. In 'Public Relations: Theory and Practice', the definition of PR is hazy with many different opinions on what it really is. It does outline the two main roles of public relations practitioners - technicians and problem solvers. The role of technician interests me more, though they hold "lower positions within organisations".
I think the key points to remember from this weeks readings are that
  • PR is not about what you may first think
  • Communication is an essential skill for PR practitioners.
  • Public Relations has a wide range of areas to work within

1 comment:

Jessie said...

This is my 1st ever comment. Your pg is very black!